Happy Thursday Lovies,

I feel like there is something I should explain before I go ahead with this post. I’m not a mother as most people would describe/refer me to, since a mother is defined as a person who has birthed someone and I have not done that. So, I am not a mother, but given a chance myself, I would describe myself as a happy & proud mummy.  There is an African saying which states “It takes a village to raise a child” and I can’t agree more. My definition of motherhood can differ to some yet it can relate to other mothers out there. A person can become a mother by choice, through adoption, foster care mum and so many options given, also some life circumstances can push someone to become a mother despite the fact that they didn’t birth the child.

So, through my niece I’m experiencing motherhood every single day. I have seen myself go beyond, grow and work so hard to figure out things so life can be smooth for her but most importantly for our bond to be stronger and always making sure she can trust in me and be comfortable to lean on me for any situation in her life.

Have you ever seen a situation where a child is more comfortable speaking to another person but not their parents?  Sometimes our kids open up to teachers, aunties, uncles but not dad or mum or may be the guardians. As I shared on my previous post on how to deal with a grieving child today I am sharing with you ways that will help you and child create/form a special unbreakable bond that will enable them to open up to you. Dads, this post is for you too.


I know, I am not a ‘mother-mother’ (LOL) as some may refer me to, I know I am not a PRO in parenting skills but the truth cannot me escaped. Our children have feelings and desires and the main desire is to spend quality time with their parents/guardians. Once I was talking to a mother about spending time with her daughter her response was ‘but I’m broke if I had money I would have taken her out to eat and play.’ I felt sad. Truth is most parents in our era are too ambitious, too focused on their goals and earnings and insanely corrupted by technology and manipulated by the mentality of ‘money buys happiness’, so even spending quality time with your child must need money because it must include parents taking their kids out to fancy places which is always not true. Think of this, a family is at a living room. Dad is watching TV, mama is using her phone and a child is left with a tablet watching cartoons or so and in their heads that is a quality time since the house was quiet and peaceful and everyone was doing what they liked. I’m not judging because at times it has to be like that but how about both doing the same activity as a family that you will all participate and have your child open up to their skills and feelings. Would you like a blog post on Free fun activities you can do with your child?  Let me know in the comment.



Have you ever heard about love language? Everybody has one. We are all different in a way we feel and appreciate love and our ways may not necessarily mean our partners think of love in the same exact manner. For instance, some feel loved by being sent gifts while some appreciate love by being told the words ‘I love you’. Read here to learn more about love language.

Therefore, it’s important to know how your child appreciate love in order for you to do it accordingly. This will make them feel more loved and appreciated. It will bring them closer to you effortlessly.


We all need someone who can listen to us without judging us. A person who can be there to listen to us all times and for whatever we are presenting to them and so do our children. Allow them to be expressive without having to interpret their conversations. This will build up their confidence as well as their trust in you. But, respect when a child asks you not to tell something to the third party, if you must tell it then do it in a manner which she/he wouldn’t feel betrayed because once you break their trust they will not trust you again.



At some point a child may come up to you while you just had a rough day, might be sick or just clumsy but as a parent you still need to be there for them. You should always have a space to accommodate them. It may not include physical activities but your ears to listen and your heart to keep them warm .



If your child has reached an age/stage where he or she can write get them a note book and tell them to write how they feel or at least how the day went every evening. Tell them to write anything, encourage them to be expressive. At the end of the day or week you may have a talk of what they expressed themselves in through writing. Trust me you will discover a lot more than you might have imagined

If your child can’t write yet encourage them to be expressive. Let them be open with how they feel, think and desire. Children are the most honesty beings encourage them to be open and remain honest.

If have you have found this article informative & relevant let me know in the comment so we can share more of these.

Would you like me a blog post on Free fun activities you can do with your child?  Let me know in the comment.

 How do you keep your child close and be open to talk to you?



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